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Case Study:

Baker University

Who They Are

Baker University is a private university in Baldwin City, Kansas. Founded in 1858, it was the first four-year university in Kansas and is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Baker offers a diverse range with over 50+ programs including bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees and certificates across various disciplines.

What We Achieved

Weboganic was the distinguished Agency of Record (AOR) for Baker University (BU) for 2.5 years, introducing an array of Digital Marketing initiatives, including Search Marketing, Media Buying, Paid Social, Lead Generation, and CTV ads. Our collaborative journey with BU over the initial 120 days yielded remarkable results across the spectrum of Digital Marketing channels.

In our time with BU, we successfully executed strategies that led to an impressive 53% reduction in Cost Per Lead (CPL). Additionally, there was a substantial increase of 154% in Qualified Leads, marking a great achievement in enhancing the university’s lead generation efforts. What sets this accomplishment apart is our management of resources, with a slight budget increase of just 21%. This measured investment resulted in more than doubling the quantity of qualified leads generated for Baker University, a testament to our proficiency in optimizing outcomes even within constrained financial parameters.

By managing every aspect of Search Marketing, Media Buying, Paid Social, Lead Generation, and Connected TV (CTV) ads, we crafted a holistic strategy that closely aligned with Baker University’s specific objectives. This comprehensive approach not only demonstrated our deep understanding of our clients needs but also our commitment to delivering a strategy that resonated with their long-term vision and mission. This approach underscores our dedication to providing impactful, measurable, and sustainable results, consistently driving success and growth for Baker University. Our commitment is reflected in the thoroughness and precision with which we executed each component of the marketing strategy, showcasing our ability to deliver exceptional outcomes tailored to the distinct goals of our client.


First 120 Days

Decrease in CPL
0 %
Increase in Leads
0 %

Notably, this was accomplished with a modest 21% increase in budget, effectively demonstrating our ability to maximize ROI and generate substantial returns on investment for Baker University.

Client Testimonial

"Partnering with Weboganic was a turning point for Baker University in terms of driving a higher volume of qualified potential student leads. They delivered remarkable cost savings by slashing our Cost Per Lead (CPL) by over half while simultaneously more than doubling our qualified leads. Their expertise in digital student recruitment is unparalleled."
Jason Hannah
prior Executive Director, Marketing
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