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Case Study:

YTI Career Institute

Who They Are:

York Technical Career Institute (YTI) stands as a distinguished career college with a proud legacy of service since its establishment in 1967. With campuses strategically located in Altoona, Lancaster, and York, Pennsylvania, offers a wide array of programs designed to meet the demands of today’s competitive job market.

What We Achieved:

In the first 90 days of partnering with Weboganic as their new Agency of Record (AOR), YTI experienced significant improvements in their digital marketing performance. Specifically, in Google Ads campaigns, there was a notable decrease in Cost Per Lead (CPL) by 15%, accompanied by a 20% increase in Qualified Leads. Delving deeper into the non-brand search aspect, Weboganic managed to decrease the CPL by 16%, while simultaneously boosting Non-Branded Qualified Leads by an impressive 29%. Additionally, within the realm of brand search, there was a remarkable achievement: a 44% reduction in Branded CPL, all while maintaining consistent monthly lead volumes. These outcomes underscore Weboganic’s proficiency in optimizing digital advertising strategies to drive tangible results, enhancing YTI’s online presence and lead generation capabilities.


These results underscore the efficacy of our tailored marketing strategies and our commitment to delivering measurable success for our clients. At Weboganic, we are dedicated to driving growth and fostering success for educational institutions like YTI through our expertise and innovative approach to digital marketing.

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