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Case Study:


Who They Are:

Our client – who owns and operates 2 schools as the American College of Healthcare and Technology (ACHT) and the California Healing Arts College (CHAC) – are prominent institutions with 4 campuses dedicated to providing comprehensive education and training in the healthcare sector. ACHT is renowned for its commitment to excellence in healthcare education, offering a wide range of accredited programs designed to prepare students for successful careers in various healthcare fields. On the other hand, CHAC is recognized for its specialization in holistic healing arts education, focusing on alternative and complementary healthcare practices.

What We Achieved:

Over a 6-month comparison period, our collaboration with The American College of Healthcare and Technology (ACHT) and the California Healing Arts College (CHAC) yielded impressive results. We successfully reduced their Paid Search advertising spend, fine-tuning their student recruitment strategies. Throughout this duration, we’ve seen significant improvements in key lead generation metrics, achieving notable cost efficiencies. Specifically, our efforts have delivered the following outcomes for Google Ads – Search:

These outcomes underscore the efficacy of our strategic approach in streamlining marketing efforts and maximizing return on investment for accredited healthcare institutions like ACHT and CHAC.


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